We believe that all successful placements start with a clear understanding of the needs of both clients and candidates, and our responsibility is to provide timely and prefect matching between 2Cs – our clients and candidates.
It is our business to constantly expand our portfolio of qualified candidates in the industry and maintain their most up-to-date profiles to ensure that our clients have access to the best-qualified professionals, and our candidates are able to find their own dream job.
Our goal is to develop long-term relationships with our clients, with our candidates and provide the most efficient recruitment services possible for the both parties.
我們不斷地擴大客户群和求職者之間的網絡,不斷更新客户的職場消息和不斷更新求職者們的履歷。 我們可以令客户們找到高質素的員工,和令求職者們找到他們心目中的理想工作。
Our team is composed of IT professionals as well as Recruitment specialists. We understand IT industry; we understand the trend in IT recruitment.
We are Efficient – Swing treats each client and candidate as a unique entity and we are flexible enough to accommodate the different requirements of individual clients as well as candidates.
We are Professional – Our staff has a wealth of experience in recruitment, human resources management as well as technical knowledge in the IT industry.
We are Reliable - Swing understands both the needs and requirements of our clients and candidate, Swing is keenly aware of the prevailing market conditions.
時域顧問有限公司的團隊是由一班資訊科技專才和資深的人事顧問組成。 我們清楚了解資訊科技行業,我們更清楚資訊科技的職場資訊。
我們有效率──時域對每一位客戶和求職者的要求都是獨立處理。 貼心的服務 及應對所有要求,務求做到有出色的效率。
- We specialize in what we do best.
- Our staffs are veteran HR and IT professionals with years of recruiting experience in the IT industry.
- We have an extensive network of clients and potential candidates.
- We strive to develop long-term relationships with our clients and candidates.
- Match methodology;
- A thorough understanding of the needs of our clients and the requirements of the positions needed to be filled.
- Use all available avenues to find the best-qualified candidates, including but not limited to database searches, placing ads in the appropriate media, direct head hunting, and referrals etc.
- We screen all potential candidates by interviewing them before referring to our clients along with their detail profiles.
- 我們的專注,令我們做到最好;
- 我們的團隊是擁有豐富經驗的人事顧問及資訊科技的老手;
- 我們擁有龐大的客戶和求職者網絡;
- 我們努力發展客戶與求職者之間的長遠關係;
- 配對方法
- 首先仔細理解我們的客戶和空缺的要求;
- 用最可行的方法例如:搜查我們自家的資料庫、從廣告、獵頭和人事網 絡的介紹,尋找最合適的人才;
- 我們會和所有合適的求職者會面,了解他們的要求和專長,然後才推介 給我們的客戶。
Corporate Environmental Policy Statement
Swing Consulting Limited (Swing) is committed to the long-term sustainable growth of our company and to supporting the sustainable development of Hong Kong. In this regard, our company works to minimize the environmental footprint associated with the development and operation of our company by:
- Ensuring compliance with all applicable local and international environmental and related legislation;
- Optimizing energy and natural resource use efficiencies;
- Preventing and minimizing both waste and pollution of the land, atmosphere and surrounding;
- Conserve natural resources through reusing and recycling materials, purchasing recycled materials and using recyclable packing and other materials.
- Implementing an environment management system (EMS) that enables company to manage its risks around regulatory compliance, operational resilience, and corporate reputation, and to create a framework for continual improvement by:
- Identifying and prioritizing key environmental aspects that must include carbon reduction, waste management, air quality and water usage etc.;
- Setting, monitoring and reporting against clearly defined targets; and
- Assigning appropriate management responsibility for oversight, review and revision of the EMS
- Providing training to staff and collaborating with business partners to instill a culture of sustainability and extend the community; and
- Communicating and consulting with staff and relevant stakeholders to ensure a high level of transparency and that relevant social and economic considerations are taken.
The company is committed to achieving high standards of environmental performance. It will provide the necessary senior management support and resources to meet these policy objectives.
- 確保遵守所有適用的本地及國際環境法例及相關法律;
- 提高能源及天然資源的使用效益;
- 預防及盡量減少製造廢物,以及對土地、空氣及周邊造成的污染;
- 通過重用和回收材料節約自然資源、採購再生材料、並使用可回收的包裝和其他材料。
- 實行環境管理系統,以助本公司管理有關遵守法規、營運應變及企業聲譽的風險,共透過下列措施制定框架以不斷提升水平:
- 確定及優先處理重要環境事宜,當中必須包括減碳、廢物管理、空氣質素及用水等範疇;
- 訂立清晰的目標,共進行監察及匯報;及
- 指派適當的管理人員負責監察、檢討及修訂環境管理系統;
- 為員工提供培訓及與業務夥伴合作,以培養可持續發展文化,並將本公司推行的最有效措施推廣至社區;及
- 與員工及業務夥伴、相關的持份者溝通及進行諮詢,確保運作具高透明度。
Labor Policy Statement
Swing Consulting Limited (Swing) has been keeping a spirit of foundation to stimulate regional employment. In order to keep up and grow our business, each employee’s growth is essential. We see our employees not as just human resource but as human treasure, which means, we think our employees as a major fortune among the whole management resources.
Swing thinks a great deal of paid or unpaid job satisfaction of employees. Regardless to race, color, philosophy, gender, religion, nationality or illness, we have been establishing the working environment and personnel system so that each employee voluntarily makes an effort and anyone who achieved the goal receives a fair assessment. As for recruiting activities to find the human treasure, we hire a wide variety of human resources having different values and ideas, irrespective of race, color, philosophy, gender, religion, nationality or illness.
As such, we think respect for basic human rights is the universal and top-priority issue and specify the basic policies as below.
- Respect for basic human rights
Swing respects culture, custom and history of a country where we operate and never violates basic human rights which we respect and are secured by constitutions, laws and regulations. - No inhumane treatment
Swing never allows harsh and inhumane treatment nor the threat including any harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse. - Forced / child labor avoidance
Swing never uses prison labor nor slavery for any stages related to our operational activities, nor labor of a child who is under the age specified by a law of each country. - Non-discrimination
Swing never engages in discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, nationality, or illness in employment practices to realize equal opportunity and fair treatment. - Respect for workers’ rights
Swing admits workers to associate freely, respects the rights to join or not join labor unions and join workers’ councils, and gives importance to open and thoughtful discussion based on mutual trust in accordance with laws and regulations of a country where we operate. - Securement of appropriate employment condition (labor hours and wages and employee’s health)
Swing controls labor hours, day-offs and vacation appropriately, and creates an environment in which employees can work as being mentally and physically healthy, in accordance with laws and regulations of a country where we operate.
Ethics Policy Statement
It is the policy of Swing Consulting Limited (Swing) that its employees and board members uphold the highest standards of ethical, professional behavior. To that end, these employees and board members shall dedicate themselves to carrying out the mission of this organization and shall:
- Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of professional duties.
- Act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance personal and professional honor, integrity and the dignity of the profession.
- Treat with respect and consideration all persons, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, maternity, marital or family status, disability, age or national origin.
- Engage in carrying out Swing’s mission in a professional manner.
- Collaborate with and support other professionals in carrying out Swing’s mission.
- Build professional reputations on the merit of services and refrain from competing unfairly with others.
- Recognize that the chief function of Swing at all times is to serve the best interests of its constituency.
- Accept as a personal duty the responsibility to keep up to date on emerging issues and to conduct themselves with professional competence, fairness, impartiality, efficiency, and effectiveness.
- Respect the structure and responsibilities of the board of directors, provide them with facts and advice as a basis for their making policy decisions, and uphold and implement policies adopted by the board of directors.
- Keep the community informed about issues affecting it.
- Conduct organizational and operational duties with positive leadership exemplified by open communication, creativity, dedication, and compassion.
- Exercise whatever discretionary authority they have under the law to carry out the mission of the organization.
- Serve with respect, concern, courtesy, and responsiveness in carrying out the organization’s mission. 2
- Demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty, and fortitude in all activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in such activities.
- Avoid any interest or activity that conflicts with the conduct of their official duties.
- Respect and protect privileged information to which they have access in the course of their official duties.
- Strive for personal and professional excellence and encourage the professional developments of others.
Health and Safety Policy Statement
We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of our employees, so far as is reasonably practicable, and recognise that the effective management of health and safety is an integral part of our overall business performance. We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons such as contractors and visitors who may be affected by our activities.
The objectives of the Policy are to ensure that our statutory obligations are met, but these are regarded as minimum standards to be exceeded wherever possible. We will continually strive to improve our management of workplace risks. We will:
- Ensure there is adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
- Provide and maintain systems that are safe and without risk to health for:
- work
- equipment
- working conditions
- Implement safe practices and procedures in connection with the handling and use of hazardous substances.
- Ensure that
- all employees are competent to carry out their duties
- provide new recruits, and existing employees with
- appropriate information
- instruction
- training and supervision
- Provide and maintain adequate facilities and arrangements to enable all employees and their representatives to raise issues of health and safety.
- Consult our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
- Provide adequate facilities and arrangements for employees’ welfare at work.
- Make regular safety inspections and set safety standards.
We will ensure that adequate time and finances are committed in pursuance of these aims and, provide Competent Persons, including the use of experts as necessary.
Whilst the onus of Health and Safety falls primarily on Management, all employees have legal obligations to take all reasonable care to protect themselves and anyone else affected by their acts or omissions.
- Working safely and efficiently to approved methods
- Working with regard to the safety of themselves and others
- Adhering to the Company’s safety procedures and rules
- Reporting all accidents in the proper way and co-operating in the investigation of accidents and measures taken to prevent recurrence
- Reporting possible hazards, defects or dangers
The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment of management and employees at all levels. Full details of the organisation and arrangements for health and safety are set out in separate sections of the Safety Policy document.
This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed annually, and, updated in the light of legislative or organisational changes.